13 junio 2015

Ken no Kokoro Dolls at Dolls Party Barcelona 2015

Ken no Kokoro dolls will attend to Dolls Party Barcelona 2015 in July 4th.

In KnK booth you can find eyes, wigs, some accesories and supplies, and of course, heads and complete dolls, please visit me!

Stock available:

-1 NS Patatita head with faceup by amazing italian artist Phantastica Aesthetic
-1 NS blank Patatita head
-1 Light tan skin Patatita head
-1 Amparita fullset OOAK
-1 NS Amparita head
-1 Light tan skin Amparita (I hope can offer her as complete doll with Mirodoll body, but they sent me the wrong color, so I'm still wainting for the correct one >__<)
-1 Light tan skin blank Cosita
-1 NS Cosita with faceup

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